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<Hello, world>

I'm Sitaram Rathi a

Software Developer

Fullstack Developer

Backend Developer

Database Developer

Web Developer

from Bengaluru, India.


Who am I?

I’m Sitaram Rathi, a Software Developer with expertise in creating dynamic frontend and backend web applications. I hold a Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) in Computer Science Engineering from NIT Hamirpur, and I have a proven track record of working on complex projects, including internships in Europe and significant contributions to open-source development.

Hardworking and dedicated, I prefer to live low key, focusing on my goals and continuous learning. Proudly hailing from the vibrant and spicy city of Bikaner, Rajasthan, I bring a blend of technical prowess and cultural richness to everything I do.

I am actively seeking full-time roles in Software Development where I can leverage my skills and passion to contribute to innovative projects.

Sitaram Rathi Photo


Skills I posses as a Specialist

  • Backend Development

  • SQL/NoSQL Database Development

  • Golang Microservices Development

  • Nodejs Server Development and Scripting

  • Web Development, Automation, Optimization, DNS and SEO

  • Fullstack Development, Deployment, Analytics, Mixpanel and CI/CD

  • Cost Effective Services Development




SDE Intern

Feb 2024 - Present


Kirana Club

Robust Website in Nextjs: Developed Kirana Club new website in Nextjs with more than 30 pages from scratch, utilizing TypeScript and Tailwind CSS for SSR, achieving SEO optimization with 15k+ monthly visits.

Backend for Status Maker: Enhanced Kirana Club app with ”Status Maker” feature, managing posters and categories via internal tool, integrating Cloud Functions, caching on redis and Golang CRON jobs for efficient scheduling of posters and categories visibilities to show in app.

Highly Scalable Services in Golang: Engineered high-performance Golang service which connects with MySQL and Firebase for data queries, achieving 23ms minimum response time, load testing it and handling 25k+ daily invocations.

Integration in App Webviews: Integrated many features including UPI verification and submission in webviews.

Bengaluru, Karnataka

Research Assistant

June 2023 - Aug 2023


Aalto University

Winter Navigation Database Creation: This Project involves developing a program for storing ice data from NetCDF format into a SQL database which can be used for feeding data to winter navigation traffic simulation model and ongoing research in marine and arctic sciences.

Performance Improvements: The time taken by the model to load reduced from 62.72 sec to 3.87 sec and the RAM consumption is reduced from 61% of 16GB to 3% of 16GB

Espoo, Finland

Opensource Contributor

May 2022 - Nov 2022


Goggle Summer of Code Rocket.Chat

TUI Development: Designed and developed TUI using bubbletea go package and their Go SDK. Added various rest and realtime functionalities like message receiving and sending, slash commands, @ mention, login using email and auth token, listing channels.

Enhanced Go SDK: Contributed some TUI specific functions in their Go SDK.


Research Intern

May 2022 - July 2022


IIT Gandhinagar

Portal Development: Made responsive portal for visualising and interacting with seismic waveform data. Used Dygraphs, React, Tailwind Css, Netlify for it’s development.

Additional Functionalities: Added functionalities in graph which don’t exist in Dygraphs by adding them in the internals of Dygraphs.

Gandhinagar, Gujarat

MERN Stack Developer Intern

Feb 2022 - Sep 2022



Serverless Backend Development: Worked on AWS services like CDK, EC-2, Lambda Functions, API Gateway, SAM, Route 53 and many more for migrating backend as serverless backend on AWS.

Developing Tools: Worked on Backend of the Software, structuring backend folder and created Private npm package for internal use in the organisation.


Frontend Engineer Intern

Aug 2021 - Oct 2021


Advenio Technosys Pvt. Ltd.

Backend Maintenance: Worked on the Backend made in Nodejs for monitoring and debugging API’s as well as SQL Database on MariaDb and deploying both frontend and backend on AWS EC-2.

Frontend Development: Worked and Developed web applications using Reactjs, Redux and Material UI.


SDE Intern

Feb 2021 - July 2021


Requestly (YC-W22)

Development on Web App: Worked extensively on React Dashboard adding new features and fixing bugs. Using firebase for adding more functionality in it.

Third Party Integrations: Added Google analytics in the website for capturing user events and SendInBlue for carrying out marketing and user engagement campaigns.


Web Developer

Mar 2021 - Sep 2021


The Uplift Project by
Girlscript Foundation

Website development and maintenance: Single Handedly Developed and Maintained the complete website of The Uplift Project 2021 using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and SendInBlue for emails and tracking.

Badge Generator: Developed a custom badge generator to embed participant image along with The Uplift Project Frame.


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Have a project or opportunity in mind? Feel free to reach out to me. Just give me a message whenever and however you want. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Reach out to me at -